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NuCalm for Sedation Dentistry

NuCalm for sedation dentistry is a non-pharmacological relaxation technique that utilizes a combination of natural elements, such as amino acids and microcurrent stimulation, to induce a deep state of relaxation in patients. This innovative approach helps alleviate dental anxiety, promoting a calming experience without the need for traditional sedatives or anesthesia.

A Dental Procedure to Overcome Your Fear of the Dentist

While almost no one enjoys going to the dentist, some patients for whom a trip to their dental professional is so terror-inducing that they’ll forego treatment of a dental problem to avoid a visit. Other patients suffer from less severe but challenging dental anxiety while undergoing treatment. 

If you, a family member, or a friend suffer from dental phobias or anxieties, sedation dentistry can help make going to a dental office much easier.

Learn More About NuCalm for Sedation Dentistry at Harmony Dental

Sedation dentistry uses medication to help patients relax during dental procedures. Sedation can be used for everything from invasive procedures to simple teeth cleaning. It’s sometimes referred to as “sleep dentistry,” although that’s not entirely accurate: patients are usually awake, except those under general anesthesia.

There are different levels of sedation offered, depending on a patient’s anxiety level and the complexity and duration of their planned procedure:

  • Minimal sedation — The patient is awake but relaxed.
  • Moderate sedation — Formerly called “conscious sedation.” Patients may slur their words when speaking and may not remember much of the procedure.
  • Deep sedation — Patients are on the edge of consciousness but can still be awakened.
  • General anesthesia — Patients are completely unconscious.

The following types of sedation are used in dentistry:

  • Inhaled minimal sedation. Patients breathe nitrous oxide — otherwise known as “laughing gas” — combined with oxygen through a mask placed over their nose to help them relax. Your dentist controls the amount of sedation you receive, and the gas tends to wear off quickly. This is the only form of sedation where you may be able to drive yourself home after the procedure.
  • Oral sedation. This is the most common type of anesthesia in sedation dentistry. Depending on the dosage given, oral sedation can range from minimal to moderate. For minimal sedation, patients take a pill, typically about an hour before a procedure. The pill will make you drowsy, although you’ll still be awake. A larger dose may be given to produce moderate sedation. Some patients become groggy enough from moderate oral sedation to fall asleep during the procedure, though they can be awakened with a gentle shake.
  • IV sedation. Patients receive the sedative drug through a vein, so it goes to work more quickly. This method allows the dentist to continually adjust the level of sedation.
  • Deep sedation and general anesthesia. Patients receive medications that make them either almost unconscious or totally unconscious during the procedure. With general anesthesia, you cannot be awakened until the effects of the anesthesia wear off or are reversed with medication.

Regardless of which type of sedation patients receive, they’ll also typically require a local anesthetic — a numbing medication at the site in the mouth where the dentist is working — to relieve any pain associated with the procedure.

NuCalm is a revolutionary drug-free technology that is quickly becoming the safest and least intrusive solution for alleviating patient fear and anxiety. Nucalm is used as a form of sedation dentistry by managing brain wave activity using neuroacoustic and electrical messaging.

NuCalm predictably and reliably entrains brain wave function to the first stage of sleep (by slowing down and oscillating the brainwave pattern into theta). Patients in the first stage of sleep are physically unable to have an anxious response. It does this by leveraging the synergistic benefits of three sensory applications:

1. Biosignal processing disc is an electromagnetic sticker placed on your left wrist that carries particular frequencies that tap into the body’s Pericardium Meridian and activate the parasympathetic nervous system, downregulating sympathetic tone (your fight and flight response).
2. Proprietary neuroacoustic software – a low-frequency binaural beat paces the brain to the first stage of sleep
3. Black-out glasses to remove visual stimulation and help maintain relaxation.

NuCalm’s patent-pending technology addresses the midbrain activities responsible for producing stress and anxiety by naturally mimicking the communication pathways used to prepare the body for sleep.

NuCalm causes no side effects and requires no recuperative time or post-procedure supervision, meaning patients can return immediately to daily activities after having the procedure.

Some compare NuCalm to the sensation you have just before falling asleep. Many patients feel rejuvenated for days after the therapy. NuCalm relaxes you and washes away your anxieties, making it an excellent tool for dentistry.

If you’re contemplating the use of dental sedation methods before your dental procedure, consider discussing the NuCalm alternative with your Bloomington dentist, as it offers the following advantages:

  1. Addresses Dental Anxiety: Dental anxiety can be severe enough to dissuade you from seeking medication.
  2. Induces Relaxation and Long-lasting Rejuvenation: Many patients report feeling refreshed rather than fatigued after dental procedures, as NuCalm promotes relaxation that can extend for several days.
  3. Natural Stress Reduction: NuCalm therapy emulates the body’s natural winding-down process, especially when preparing for sleep.
  4. Safe and Effective: It effectively calms your mind and body before dental work.
  5. Painless Phobia Solution: It provides a painless approach to conquering dental phobias.
  6. No Downtime: Following NuCalm therapy, there is no need for downtime to regain consciousness and stability. The treatment typically lasts between 30 and 60 minutes, allowing you to wake up and resume your daily activities, including driving yourself home.
  7. Enhanced Sleep Quality: It encourages better-quality sleep.
  8. Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Reduction: It lowers blood pressure and heart rate to a healthy level.
  9. Increased Energy Levels and Mood Improvement: These benefits extend long after the treatment concludes.

Call Us Today

Everyone deserves good oral health, and an upcoming trip to the dentist shouldn’t keep you awake at night or cause you undue stress during the day — including during the dental procedure itself. If you experience excessive fear about visiting the dentist, contact us to find out more about the sedation treatments we offer.