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Teeth Whitening

This video shows you how the appearance of your teeth can be improved using custom-made trays and whitening gel applied by your doctor.

Get Whiter Teeth In-Office or At Home

Is a cup of coffee how you like to start your day? Do you enjoy tea in the afternoon or a glass of wine at dinner? These are just a few of the habits that may make your life more pleasurable but have a negative impact on the appearance of your teeth. Dark liquids, acidic foods, and various other factors can stain your teeth over time, making them appear yellow and dull. Teeth whitening products remove surface stains, giving you whiter teeth and confidence in a brilliant smile.

Learn More About Teeth Whitening in Bloomington

The KöR teeth whitening process can be easily understood through several key steps. While the specifics may vary slightly for each patient, a typical KöR Whitening procedure involves the following:

  • Initial Assessment: During your first visit to Harmony Dental, your dentist will conduct a comprehensive oral examination to assess your dental condition and determine if KöR treatment is suitable for you.
  • Custom Mold Creation: Once both you and our team decide on KöR Whitening, we take an impression of your teeth to create a personalized KöR-Seal Whitening Tray. This ensures a comfortable and precise fit.
  • Whitening Tray Application: You will wear the KöR-Seal Whitening Tray and the KöR whitening gel each night for approximately two weeks. Some patients may also require occasional in-office whitening treatments to maintain optimal results.
  • Aftercare Guidance: Following the KöR Whitening process, our team provides comprehensive instructions on long-term dental care to help you maintain the stunning results achieved with KöR Whitening for a lifetime.

Thanks to KöR’s cutting-edge technology, you can attain a brighter smile that boosts your confidence in social interactions, at work, and in all your day-to-day moments. While traditional in-office teeth whitening can also offer these benefits, KöR Whitening distinguishes itself with several unique advantages that routine cleanings may not provide:

  • Treatment for “Permanent Staining”: KöR Whitening effectively addresses stubborn, “permanent” stains, a challenge not easily overcome by standard in-office whitening procedures. It has consistently proven its ability to help individuals with severe staining issues, including those caused by tetracycline or long-term neglect, regain a beautiful and confidence-boosting smile.
  • Lifelong Results: One of the standout advantages of KöR Whitening is its potential for long-lasting results. In fact, most patients can enjoy a lifetime of improved teeth whiteness, provided they follow proper aftercare for enduring quality.
  • Non-Invasive with Minimal Sensitivity: KöR Whitening is a non-invasive procedure that poses no harm to the teeth or gums. Even individuals with varying degrees of dental health can undergo this treatment without experiencing significant teeth sensitivity.

KöR Whitening sets itself apart from other techniques with its ability to address even the most challenging stains, deliver enduring results, and do so in a gentle and non-invasive manner. The transformation achieved through KöR Whitening not only enhances your smile but also restores your lost confidence.

Many factors can contribute to stained or yellowed teeth:

  • Coffee and dark teas
  • White and red wine
  • Dark and light-colored carbonated beverages
  • Sports drinks
  • Acidic or strongly colored foods
  • Smoking
  • Some prescription medications
  • A lack of a proper oral health routine
  • The aging process
  • Trauma
  • Genetics

KöR Whitening is ideal for individuals seeking a brighter and more captivating smile. Whether you aim to enhance your already healthy smile for a special social event or restore your beauty after experiencing severe teeth staining, KöR can cater to your specific needs and elevate your daily confidence.

What sets KöR apart is its gentle approach that minimizes sensitivity, making it suitable for a wide range of individuals. Unlike many other teeth whitening methods, KöR is well-tolerated even by those with less healthy teeth. However, some dental care may be necessary for patients with enamel damage before starting the whitening process.

Regardless of your age, whether you’re 15 or 90, KöR can empower you to feel self-assured about your smile. With KöR, you can be certain that others will take notice of your radiant smile and the allure of your teeth every time you share it with the world.

Although whitening can’t prevent stains from forming again in the future, good oral hygiene will help to preserve your brighter smile. Some patients slow the speed at which stains accumulate by drinking beverages that stain through a straw and reducing their consumption of those beverages. Swishing your mouth with water after eating or drinking will also help maintain the brightness of your teeth. And quitting smoking can have a tremendous impact on keeping your teeth their whitest.

Contact Us Today

A dazzling, bright smile boosts confidence and is a wonderful way to greet the world. Contact us today to discuss if teeth whitening can help you look your best.